Keep the expansible tree (list of posts) open in the sidebar
Keep the expansible tree (list of posts) open in the sidebar
Keep the expansible tree (list of posts) open in the sidebar
Gutenberg inline style messing up the navigation when I add a list to a page
So, the theme is adding it as a :before but it’s not a character or ‘content’, instead it’s using a height and width value and then a background colour: .text-entry li:before{ background-color: transparent; } That ought to do the trick. You could even go with the nuclear option: .text-entry li:before{ display: none; } Or… …a … Read more
How to add images inside an item of a list in Gutenberg
To enable checkboxes for custom post type posts on their post list in WordPress, you can achieve this by adding some code to your theme’s functions.php file or by creating a custom plugin. Here’s how to do it: Open your theme’s functions.php file or create a custom plugin. Add the following code to enable checkboxes … Read more
Advanced Custom Fields in WP_Query: Href Returning Empty
Advanced Custom Fields in WP_Query: Clickable Text in List Format
How to save the results of a query as a php file for an autocomplete search bar
My solution is to use CSS to simulate numbers (or bullets) on a group (which is a <div>). So I first created groups within groups, and then I added CSS class on the topmost group: .numbered-list { counter-reset: item; } And for each item, the group has this class: .numbered-list-item { } .numbered-list-item:before { content: … Read more
You can try to replace: ORDER BY registered DESC with: ORDER BY domain ASC, path ASC to get the sites in an alphabetical order.