How to import individual blog posts into WordPress?

There are many ways to approach this problem depending on the scale of the data we talking about. Also important whether you have to deal with taxonomies or not. And also not clear that the original data is an other wordpress site or something else. I assume it is not. the format that wordpress easily … Read more

Worpress url parse

You must use add_rewrite_rule() method, or add_rewrite_endpoint() in order to flush rewrite rules, and links you must generate with add_query_arg() method for ugly urls, for tiny u must simple concatenate with permalink

How can I extract or parse data from post contents’ shortcodes into an array?

Not really a WordPress question, but you can use the PHP function preg_match_all to extract all the text wrapped in [cs_text] tags like so: function wpse_265295_extract_cs_text( $subject ) { $pattern = “#\[cs_text\](.*?)\[/cs_text\]#s”; preg_match_all( $pattern, $subject, $matches ); return isset( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : []; } If you’re looking to extract arbitrary shortcodes: if( ! … Read more