Add theme options to custom post type admin pages [closed]

Theme uses custom meta boxes. If you go this path,


you will find folders. There is a map.php file in this folders. You can duplicate this folders and rename if you want to use for your CPT’s.

Theme uses own metabox class QodeMetaBox when you duplicate files you need to change this code (for ex. i use SEO metabox);

$qodeSeo = new QodeMetaBox("page", "Qode SEO");


$qodeSeo = new QodeMetaBox("post_type", "Qode SEO");

Where post_type is the string used as first parameter in register_post_type(), and post_type_seo is an unique string.

after that you need to include/call your new map file into qode-meta-boxes-setup.php after require_once("carousels/map.php");;


In addition to the above, the post_type needs to be added in the qode_meta_box_save function, so that the values will actually be saved to the database. Change framework\qode-framework.php on line 340:

$postTypes = array( "page", "post", "portfolio_page", "testimonials", "slides", "carousels");


$postTypes = array( "page", "post", "portfolio_page", "testimonials", "slides", "carousels", "post_type");