Get title of post without using the_title();

This is because the_title() echos the post title (see the linked documentation). Use get_the_title() instead which returns the title as a string.


You have two options:

  1. Use get_the_title() to return, rather than echo, the post title
  2. Filter the_title to echo a custom string as the post title

Using get_the_title()

// NOTE: Inside the Loop,
// or else pass $post->ID
// as a parameter
$post_title = get_the_title();

Using the_title filter

function wpse48523_filter_the_title( $title ) {
    // Modify or replace $title
    // then return the result
    // For example, to replace,
    // simply return your own value:
    // return 'SOME CUSTOM STRING';
    // Or, you can append the original title
    // return $title . 'SOME CUSTOM STRING'
    // Just be sure to return *something*
    return $title . ' appended string';
add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse48523_filter_the_title' );

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