Some updates do not work on other browsers
Some updates do not work on other browsers
Some updates do not work on other browsers
Delayed server responses when logged in on one browser (any browser!) for a while
Dropdown menu only appearing when logged in
IOS Ventura Safari 16.3 position fixed elements goes above scroll bar
The code you’ve provided seems to have a few issues that might be causing the problem. Here’s my suggestions: In WordPress, your theme’s images should typically be stored in a directory within your theme’s folder, not in /wp-content/. The /wp-content/ directory is generally where themes, plugins, and uploads are stored, not individual images for a … Read more
You have added this CSS in below css3 media query and this css3 media rule does not support IE8 and below browsers so it is not applying css contained in its block. /* Minimum width of 600 pixels. */ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) { .widget-area, #secondary{ float: right; width: 210px; font-family: Georgia, “Times New … Read more
Bad news first: We can’t fix your JS problem (at least as long as the errors come from the jQuery UI version shipped with core and not from your custom definitions). This is a WordPress core problem. When you look at the SVN trunk, especially the main (and only) PHP file in that folder, you … Read more
I can’t find any reference about it but it seems Google Chrome (v 21.0.1180.60) do need specified image sizes, in image tag or passing this in css (either class or local): style=”display:block;width:333px;height:333px” Or: container.img { display:block;width:333px;height:333px } Maybe this issue has something to do with this question, but I’m not sure. They say images need … Read more
You can create Parallax effect for header using pure CSS as well as jQuery. The difference between them is the loading time. CSS will load much faster than jQuery. Implementing a feature will depend on the developer/owner of the theme how they want the feature to be. My preference is that you use pure CSS … Read more
The mark-up surrounding the widget is malformed. IE isn’t handling this as well as other browsers. <h1>Twitter</h1><h2><a href=””>Follow</h2> <div><h2><span class=”twitterwidget twitterwidget-title”> Note the opening anchor tag before “Follow”. This is never closed.